Download Free Before You Quit Your Job Ebook Readers

What is an e-book? An e-book is a digital version of a traditional print book. You can download and read e-books on a variety of electronic devices, including computers, tablets, e-readers and mobile devices. How are Gallup e-books formatted? Gallup e-books are formatted as EPUB and MOBI files and can be read on most computers, tablets, e-readers and mobile devices. EPUB files are the most popular open book format and are compatible with many devices.

MOBI files are compatible with Kindle devices and applications only. How do I download and read my Gallup e-book?

You can easily download and read Gallup e-books on computers, e-readers and via reading apps on most tablets and smartphones. Gallup provides e-books in EPUB and MOBI formats, making them compatible with most devices: Sony Reader, Google Play, Amazon Kindle and Kindle Fire, Apple iPad/iPhone/iPod, Android tablets and smartphones, Blackberry tablets and smartphones, Kobo, Nook, and Windows tablets and smartphones. You can also download and read Gallup e-books on your personal computer. You will need e-reading software such as Adobe Digital Editions, available free. Once payment is confirmed, you can download your Gallup e-book. Gallup recommends that you download your e-book to your personal computer first and then upload it to your device. Your unique download link is available on the My Downloadable Products page on your Gallup Shop account.

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To download directly to your computer:. to your account, click 'My Account,' then select 'My Downloadable Products.' On the My Downloadable Products page, you’ll find both the EPUB and MOBI download links. You can also access the download links on the purchase confirmation page immediately after purchase. Select the download link you want, and follow the helpful prompts through the download process. How do I upload my e-book to an Apple device?.

Download the EPUB file to your computer. Connect your Apple device to your computer; iTunes should open automatically. Otherwise, launch iTunes, or download it. Add your e-book to your iTunes library by simply dragging the e-book file to the Books library in iTunes. In iTunes, click 'File,' then 'Sync iPad/iPod/iPhone' to transfer the e-book to your Apple device.

To start reading, open the iBooks application on your Apple device and click on your Gallup e-book. Please refer to the manufacturer’s website or contact Apple support for further information or assistance. How do I upload my e-book to a Samsung device?. Download the EPUB file to your computer.

Connect the Samsung tablet to your computer and click “Open device to view files.” For e-book application:. On your computer, open the folder 'Tablet,' then 'ebook,' then 'Import.'

. Copy your Gallup e-book from your computer to the “Import” folder. On your tablet, open the e-book application. Click 'Import,' then 'ebook,' and select your Gallup e-book.

To read your Gallup e-book, open the 'ebook' application and select it from the bookshelf. For Play Books application:. On your computer, open the folder 'Tablet,' then 'Documents.' . Copy your Gallup e-book from your computer to the “Documents” folder. On your tablet, open 'My Files,' then 'Documents.' .

Click on the title of your e-book and select the application 'Play Books' to open the e-book. Cubase recording studio free download. Please refer to the manufacturer’s website or contact Samsung support for further information or assistance.

How do I upload my e-book to my Kindle?. Download the MOBI file to your computer. Turn on your Kindle and connect it to your computer. Then open the Kindle drive. For Windows users, the Kindle drive will appear in the 'My Computer' menu. For Mac users, the Kindle drive will appear on the desktop.

In the Kindle drive, open the 'Documents' folder. Drag your MOBI file from your computer into the 'Documents' folder on your Kindle device. To start reading your e-book, safely eject your Kindle, then open your e-book from the Kindle library.

Please refer to the manufacturer’s website or contact Amazon support for further information or assistance. How do I upload my e-book to other devices? Gallup provides both EPUB and MOBI file formats, allowing you to download and read Gallup e-books on most e-readers, tablets and smartphones. Gallup recommends that you download your e-book to your personal computer first and then upload it to your device.

For specific instructions on how to upload from your computer to your device, please refer to the manufacturer’s website for information about how to install, read and synchronize e-books. How long does it take to download an e-book? The download time depends on the size of the e-book, the speed of your Internet connection and the electronic device. Typically, it should take about three to five minutes to download an e-book. How many times can I download my e-book?

The link to download your e-book remains active for 30 days after purchase, during which time you may download the e-book as many times as you want. Once your download link is expired, you will no longer be able to download your e-book.

To avoid misplacing or losing your e-book, Gallup recommends that you download the e-book to your personal computer first and back up the file. You can then sync the file to your e-reader or other device.

What if my e-book link is expired? The link to download your e-book remains active for 30 days after purchase. The link is not renewable, so be sure to download your e-book before the link expires. Once your download link is expired, you will no longer be able to download your e-book. Can I download my e-book to multiple devices?


During the 30-day download period, you can download your e-book from the same download link to multiple devices. Please note, however, that your e-book is not transferrable. So any devices you download your e-book to must belong to you, and you cannot share your e-book link or files.

I lost my download link email. What should I do? If you delete or lose the email containing your download link, you can still download your e-book.

Just to your Gallup Shop account, select 'My Account,' then click 'My Downloadable Products.' Your unique download link is available on the My Downloadable Products page on your Gallup Shop account.

Can I return my Gallup e-book? Gallup does not offer refunds for e-books once the purchase has been completed. Are there any restrictions for using Gallup e-books? As a publisher, Gallup takes copyright laws very seriously. Reselling, uploading to the Internet or any other means of digital distribution is prohibited.

To guard against illegal distribution, Gallup e-books are protected by DRM (Digital Rights Management). Each e-book file is unique and contains both visible and invisible watermarks linking the e-book back to its purchaser, making it possible to trace illegal distribution. During the 30-day download period, you can download your e-book from the same download link to multiple devices. Please note, however, that your e-book is not transferrable. So any devices you download your e-book to must belong to you, and you cannot share your e-book link or files. My e-book includes an access code. How do I redeem the code? If your e-book purchase includes an access code, your e-book retailer will provide you with your access code and an email with instructions on how to redeem your code.

Please refer to that email for instructions on how to redeem your code. What do I do if my access code doesn’t work? If the access code you enter into the access code field does not work, check to make sure you are entering it correctly.

Verify your access code and the website, and carefully re-enter it into the access code field, being sure to include any dashes. There should be no spaces at the beginning of your access code, in the middle, or at the end. If your code still doesn’t work after you re-enter it, contact.

Download Free Before You Quit Your Job Ebook Readers Free

I made a bulk purchase of e-books that include access codes. How do I distribute the access codes? Gallup will gladly customize your access codes to make distribution simple and easy. Just contact for help. Can’t find an answer?

The Gallup Support Team is available to assist you. Contact us by email or phone: Email us at or visit and enter your information.

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