Cabal Server Files

Local versus external packages One of the primary innovations of Nix-style local builds is the distinction between local packages, which users edit and recompile and must be built per-project, versus external packages, which can be cached across projects. To be more precise:. A local package is one that is listed explicitly in the packages, optional-packages or extra-packages field of a project. Usually, these refer to packages whose source code lives directly in a folder in your project (although, you can list an arbitrary Hackage package in extra-packages to force it to be treated as local). Local packages, as well as the external packages (below) which depend on them, are built inplace, meaning that they are always built specifically for the project and are not installed globally.

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  3. Cabal Server Files Windows 10

Inplace packages are not cached and not given unique hashes, which makes them suitable for packages which you want to edit and recompile. An external package is any package which is not listed in the packages field. The source code for external packages is usually retrieved from Hackage. When an external package does not depend on an inplace package, it can be built and installed to a global store, which can be shared across projects. These build products are identified by a hash that over all of the inputs which would influence the compilation of a package (flags, dependency selection, etc.).

Just as in Nix, these hashes uniquely identify the result of a build; if we compute this identifier and we find that we already have this ID built, we can just use the already built version. The global package store is /.cabal/store (configurable via global store-dir option); if you need to clear your store for whatever reason (e.g., to reclaim disk space or because the global store is corrupted), deleting this directory is safe ( new-build will just rebuild everything it needs on its next invocation). This split motivates some of the UI choices for Nix-style local build commands. For example, flags passed to cabal new-build are only applied to local packages, so that adding a flag to cabal new-build doesn’t necessitate a rebuild of every transitive dependency in the global package store. In cabal-install HEAD, Nix-style local builds also take advantage of a new Cabal library feature, where each component of a package is configured and built separately. This can massively speed up rebuilds of packages with lots of components (e.g., a package that defines multiple executables), as only one executable needs to be rebuilt. Packages that use Custom setup scripts are not currently built on a per-component basis.

Cabal install foo -dry-run If -dry-run is specified, the packages are not installed, but a list of packages to install is given. Occasionally you need to update the list of available packages: cabal update The cabal-install configuration file. You can edit the cabal configuration file to set defaults, for.nix based systems this is.

Where are my build products? A major deficiency in the current implementation of new-build is that there is no programmatic way to access the location of build products. The location of the build products is intended to be an internal implementation detail of new-build, but we also understand that many unimplemented features (e.g., new-install) can only be reasonably worked around by accessing build products directly.

The location where build products can be found varies depending on the version of cabal-install:. In cabal-install-1.24, the dist directory for a package p-0.1 is stored in dist-newstyle/build/p-0.1. For example, if you built an executable or test suite named pexe, it would be located at dist-newstyle/build/p-0.1/build/pexe/pexe. In cabal-install HEAD, the dist directory for a package p-0.1 defining a library built with GHC 8.0.1 on 64-bit Linux is dist-newstyle/build/x8664-linux/ghc-8.0.1/p-0.1.

When per-component builds are enabled (any non-Custom package), a subcomponent like an executable or test suite named pexe will be stored at dist-newstyle/build/x8664-linux/ghc-8.0.1/p-0.1/c/pexe; thus, the full path of the executable is dist-newstyle/build/x8664-linux/ghc-8.0.1/p-0.1/c/pexe/build/pexe/pexe (you can see why we want this to be an implementation detail!) The paths are a bit longer in HEAD but the benefit is that you can transparently have multiple builds with different versions of GHC. We plan to add the ability to create aliases for certain build configurations, and more convenient paths to access particularly useful build products like executables. Caching Nix-style local builds sport a robust caching system which help reduce the time it takes to execute a rebuild cycle. While the details of how cabal-install does caching are an implementation detail and may change in the future, knowing what gets cached is helpful for understanding the performance characteristics of invocations to new-build. The cached intermediate results are stored in dist-newstyle/cache; this folder can be safely deleted to clear the cache.

The following intermediate results are cached in the following files in this folder (the most important two are first): solver-plan (binary) The result of calling the dependency solver, assuming that the Hackage index, local cabal.project file, and local cabal files are unmodified. (Notably, we do NOT have to dependency solve again if new build products are stored in the global store; the invocation of the dependency solver is independent of what is already available in the store.) source-hashes (binary) The hashes of all local source files. When all local source files of a local package are unchanged, cabal new-build will skip invoking setup build entirely (saving us from a possibly expensive call to ghc -make). The full list of source files participating in compilation are determined using setup sdist -list-sources (thus, if you do not list all your source files in a Cabal file, you may fail to recompile when you edit them.) config (same format as cabal.project) The full project configuration, merged from cabal.project (and friends) as well as the command line arguments. Compiler (binary) The configuration of the compiler being used to build the project. Improved-plan (binary) Like solver-plan, but with all non-inplace packages improved into pre-existing copies from the store.


Note that every package also has a local cache managed by the Cabal build system, e.g., in $distdir/cache. There is another useful file in dist-newstyle/cache, plan.json, which is a JSON serialization of the computed install plan. (TODO: docs). Cabal new-configure cabal new-configure takes a set of arguments and writes a cabal.project.local file based on the flags passed to this command. Cabal new-configure FLAGS; cabal new-build is roughly equivalent to cabal new-build FLAGS, except that with new-configure the flags are persisted to all subsequent calls to new-build.

Cabal new-configure is intended to be a convenient way to write out a cabal.project.local for simple configurations; e.g., cabal new-configure -w ghc-7.8 would ensure that all subsequent builds with cabal new-build are performed with the compiler ghc-7.8. For more complex configuration, we recommend writing the cabal.project.local file directly (or placing it in cabal.project!) cabal new-configure inherits options from Cabal. Semantics:. Any flag accepted by./Setup configure. Any flag accepted by cabal configure beyond./Setup configure, namely -cabal-lib-version, -constraint, -preference and -solver.

Any flag accepted by cabal install beyond./Setup configure. Any flag accepted by./Setup haddock. The options of all of these flags apply only to local packages in a project; this behavior is different than that of cabal install, which applies flags to every package that would be built.

The motivation for this is to avoid an innocuous addition to the flags of a package resulting in a rebuild of every package in the store (which might need to happen if a flag actually applied to every transitive dependency). To apply options to an external package, use a package stanza in a cabal.project file. Cabal new-build cabal new-build takes a set of targets and builds them. It automatically handles building and installing any dependencies of these targets.

A target can take any of the following forms:. A package target: package, which specifies that all enabled components of a package to be built. By default, test suites and benchmarks are not enabled, unless they are explicitly requested (e.g., via -enable-tests.). A component target: package:ctype:component, which specifies a specific component (e.g., a library, executable, test suite or benchmark) to be built. All packages: all, which specifies all packages within the project. Components of a particular type: package:ctypes, all:ctypes: which specifies all components of the given type.

Where valid ctypes are. libs, libraries,.


flibs, foreign-libraries,. exes, executables,. tests,. benches, benchmarks. In component targets, package: and ctype: (valid component types are lib, flib, exe, test and bench) can be used to disambiguate when multiple packages define the same component, or the same component name is used in a package (e.g., a package foo defines both an executable and library named foo).

We always prefer interpreting a target as a package name rather than as a component name. Some example targets. $ cabal new-build lib:foo-pkg # build the library named foo-pkg $ cabal new-build foo-pkg:foo-tests # build foo-tests in foo-pkg (There is also syntax for specifying module and file targets, but it doesn’t currently do anything.) Beyond a list of targets, cabal new-build accepts all the flags that cabal new-configure takes. Most of these flags are only taken into consideration when building local packages; however, some flags may cause extra store packages to be built (for example, -enable-profiling will automatically make sure profiling libraries for all transitive dependencies are built and installed.). Cabal new-run cabal new-run TARGET ARGS runs the executable specified by the target, which can be a component, a package or can be left blank, as long as it can uniquely identify an executable within the project. See for the target syntax. Except in the case of the empty target, the strings after it will be passed to the executable as arguments.

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If one of the arguments starts with - it will be interpreted as a cabal flag, so if you need to pass flags to the executable you have to separate them with -. Packages:./.cabal with-compiler: /opt/ghc/8.0.1/bin/ghc package cryptohash optimization: False In general, the accepted field names coincide with the accepted command line flags that cabal install and other commands take. For example, cabal new-configure -enable-profiling will write out a project file with profiling: True. The full configuration of a project is determined by combining the following sources (later entries override earlier ones):. /.cabal/config (the user-wide global configuration). cabal.project (the project configuratoin). cabal.project.freeze (the output of cabal new-freeze).

cabal.project.local (the output of cabal new-configure). Global configuration options The following top-level configuration options are not specific to any package, and thus apply globally: verbose: nat -verbose =n, -vn Default value: 1 Control the verbosity of cabal commands, valid values are from 0 to 3. The command line variant of this field is -verbose=2; a short form -v2 is also supported. Jobs: nat or $ncpus -jobs =n, -jn, -jobs =$ncpus Default value: 1 Run nat jobs simultaneously when building. If $ncpus is specified, run the number of jobs equal to the number of CPUs.

Package building is often quite parallel, so turning on parallelism can speed up build times quite a bit! The command line variant of this field is -jobs=2; a short form -j2 is also supported; a bare -jobs or -j is equivalent to -jobs=$ncpus. Keep-going: boolean -keep-going Default value: False If true, after a build failure, continue to build other unaffected packages. The command line variant of this field is -keep-going.builddir =DIR Specifies the name of the directory where build products for build will be stored; defaults to dist-newstyle. If a relative name is specified, this directory is resolved relative to the root of the project (i.e., where the cabal.project file lives.) This option cannot be specified via a cabal.project file.project-file =FILE Specifies the name of the project file used to specify the rest of the top-level configuration; defaults to cabal.project. This name not only specifies the name of the main project file, but also the auxiliary project files cabal.project.freeze and cabal.project.local; for example, if you specify -project-file=my.project, then the other files that will be probed are my.project.freeze and my.project.local. If the specified project file is a relative path, we will look for the file relative to the current working directory, and then for the parent directory, until the project file is found or we have hit the top of the user’s home directory.

This option cannot be specified via a cabal.project =DIR Specifies the name of the directory of the global package store. Constraints: bar 2.1, bar +foo -baz Valid constraints take the same form as for the. Preferences: preference (comma separated) -preference ='pkg 2.0' Like, but the solver will attempt to satisfy these preferences on a best-effort basis.

The resulting install is locally optimal with respect to preferences; specifically, no single package could be replaced with a more preferred version that still satisfies the hard constraints. Operationally, preferences can cause the solver to attempt certain version choices of a package before others, which can improve dependency solver runtime.

One way to use is to take a known working set of constraints (e.g., via cabal new-freeze) and record them as preferences. In this case, the solver will first attempt to use this configuration, and if this violates hard constraints, it will try to find the minimal number of upgrades to satisfy the hard constraints again. The command line variant of this field is -preference='pkg = 2.0'; to specify multiple preferences, pass the flag multiple times. Allow-newer: none, all or list of scoped package names (space or comma separated) -allow-newer, -allow-newer =none, all, scope:^pkg Default value: none Allow the solver to pick an newer version of some packages than would normally be permitted by than the bounds of packages in the install plan. This option may be useful if the dependency solver cannot otherwise find a valid install plan. For example, to relax pkgs upper bound on dep-pkg, write a scoped package name of the form.

Allow-newer: pkg-1.2.3:dep-pkg, pkg-1.1.2:dep-pkg can be used to limit the relaxation of dependencies on dep-pkg by the pkg-1.2.3 and pkg-1.1.2 releases only. The scoped syntax is recommended, as it is often only a single package whose upper bound is misbehaving. In this case, the upper bounds of other packages should still be respected; indeed, relaxing the bound can break some packages which test the selected version of packages.

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The syntax also allows to prefix the dependee package with a modifier symbol to modify the scope/semantic of the relaxation transformation in a additional ways. Currently only one modifier symbol is defined, i.e. Caret) which causes the relaxation to be applied only to ^= operators and leave all other version operators untouched. However, in some situations (e.g., when attempting to build packages on a new version of GHC), it is useful to disregard all upper-bounds, with respect to a package or all packages.

This can be done by specifying just a package name, or using the keyword all to specify all packages. Disregard upper bounds involving the dependencies on - packages bar, baz. For quux only, relax - 'quux ^=.' -style constraints only. Allow-newer: bar, baz, ^quux - Disregard all upper bounds when dependency solving allow-newer: all - Disregard all `^=`-style upper bounds when dependency solving allow-newer: ^all For consistency, there is also the explicit wildcard scope syntax.

(or its alphabetic synonym all). Consequently, the examples above are equivalent to the explicitly scoped variants. Disregard any upper bounds specified by pkg-1.2.3 allow-newer: pkg-1.2.3:.

Disregard only `^=`-style upper bounds in pkg-1.2.3 allow-newer: pkg-1.2.3:^. is often used in conjunction with a constraint (in the cfg-field: constraints field) forcing the usage of a specific, newer version of a package. The command line variant of this field is e.g.

A bare -allow-newer is equivalent to -allow-newer=all. Allow-older: none, all, list of scoped package names (space or comma separated) -allow-older, -allow-older =none, all, scope:^pkg Since: Cabal 2.0 Default value: none Like, but applied to lower bounds rather than upper bounds. The command line variant of this field is -allow-older=all.

A bare -allow-older is equivalent to -allow-older=all. Index-state: HEAD, unix-timestamp, ISO8601 UTC timestamp. Since: Cabal 2.0 Default value: HEAD This allows to change the source package index state the solver uses to compute install-plans. This is particularly useful in combination with freeze-files in order to also freeze the state the package index was in at the time the install-plan was frozen. Package configuration options Package options affect the building of specific packages. There are three ways a package option can be specified:.

They can be specified at the top-level, in which case they apply only to local package, or. They can be specified inside a package stanza, in which case they apply to the build of the package, whether or not it is local or external. They can be specified inside an all-packages stanza, in which case they apply to all packages, local ones from the project and also external dependencies. For example, the following options specify that should be turned off for all local packages, and that bytestring (possibly an external dependency) should be built with -fno-state-hack.

Optimization: False package bytestring ghc-options: -fno-state-hack ghc-options is not specifically described in this documentation, but is one of many fields for configuring programs. They take the form progname-options and progname-location, and can only be set inside package stanzas. (TODO: They are not supported at top-level, see.) At the moment, there is no way to specify an option to apply to all external packages or all inplace packages.

Additionally, it is only possible to specify these options on the command line for all local packages (there is no per-package command line interface.) Some flags were added by more recent versions of the Cabal library. This means that they are NOT supported by packages which use Custom setup scripts that require a version of the Cabal library older than when the feature was added. Flags: list of +flagname or -flagname (space separated) -flags ='+foo -bar', -ffoo, -f-bar Force all flags specified as +flagname to be true, and all flags specified as -flagname to be false. For example, to enable the flag foo and disable bar, set. Flags: foo -bar Flags are per-package, so it doesn’t make much sense to specify flags at the top-level, unless you happen to know that all of your local packages support the same named flags. If a flag is not supported by a package, it is ignored.

See also the solver configuration field. The command line variant of this flag is -flags. There is also a shortened form -ffoo -f-bar. A common mistake is to say cabal new-build -fhans, where hans is a flag for a transitive dependency that is not in the local package; in this case, the flag will be silently ignored.

If haskell-tor is the package you want this flag to apply to, try -constraint='haskell-tor +hans' instead. With-compiler: executable -with-compiler =executable Specify the path to a particular compiler to be used. If not an absolute path, it will be resolved according to the PATH environment.

The type of the compiler (GHC, GHCJS, etc) must be consistent with the setting of the field. The most common use of this option is to specify a different version of your compiler to be used; e.g., if you have ghc-7.8 in your path, you can specify with-compiler: ghc-7.8 to use it. This flag also sets the default value of, using the heuristic that it is named ghc-pkg-7.8 (if your executable name is suffixed with a version number), or is the executable named ghc-pkg in the same directory as the ghc directory. If this heuristic does not work, set explicitly.

For inplace packages, cabal new-build maintains a separate build directory for each version of GHC, so you can maintain multiple build trees for different versions of GHC without clobbering each other. At the moment, it’s not possible to set on a per-package basis, but eventually we plan on relaxing this restriction. If this is something you need, give us a shout. The command line variant of this flag is -with-compiler=ghc-7.8; there is also a short version -w ghc-7.8. With-hc-pkg: executable -with-hc-pkg =executable Specify the path to the package tool, e.g., ghc-pkg. This package tool must be compatible with the compiler specified by (generally speaking, it should be precisely the tool that was distributed with the compiler).

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If this option is omitted, the default value is determined from. The command line variant of this flag is -with-hc-pkg=ghc-pkg-7.8. Optimization: nat -enable-optimization -disable-optimization Default value: 1 Build with optimization.

This is appropriate for production use, taking more time to build faster libraries and programs. The optional nat value is the optimisation level. Some compilers support multiple optimisation levels. The range is 0 to 2.

Level 0 disables optimization, level 1 is the default. Level 2 is higher optimisation if the compiler supports it. Level 2 is likely to lead to longer compile times and bigger generated code. If you are not planning to run code, turning off optimization will lead to better build times and less code to be rebuilt when a module changes.

When optimizations are enabled, Cabal passes -O2 to the C compiler. We also accept True (equivalent to 1) and False (equivalent to 0). Note that as of GHC 8.0, GHC does not recompile when optimization levels change (see ), so if you change the optimization level for a local package you may need to blow away your old build products in order to rebuild with the new optimization level. The command line variant of this flag is -O2 (with -O1 equivalent to -O).

There are also long-form variants -enable-optimization and -disable-optimization. Configure-options: args (space separated) -configure-option =arg A list of extra arguments to pass to the external./configure script, if one is used. This is only useful for packages which have the Configure build type.

See also the section on. The command line variant of this flag is -configure-option=arg, which can be specified multiple times to pass multiple options. Compiler: ghc, ghcjs, jhc, lhc, uhc or haskell-suite -compiler =compiler Default value: ghc Specify which compiler toolchain to be used. This is independent of with-compiler, because the choice of toolchain affects Cabal’s build logic. The command line variant of this flag is -compiler=ghc. Tests: boolean -enable-tests -disable-tests Default value: False Force test suites to be enabled. offers large collection of mp3 ringtones, mobile games, android apps, 3D wallpapers, themes, hd videos in mp4, whatsapp video clips and many more for free at waploft hub. Download Lagu Teriyaki Boyz Ost Tokyo Drift. Free download Download Lagu Teriyaki Boyz Ost Tokyo Drift mp3 for free. Tokyo Drift - Teriyaki Boyz [ MUSIC VIDEO ] HD. Duration: 4:18 Size: 5.91 MB. Play Download. Teriyaki Boyz - Tokyo Drift (Toni Cataldi Remix) [Video Representative] HD. Duration: 2:49 Size: 3.87 MB. Title,: Tokyo Drift (Fast & Furious). Album,: The Fast And The Furious: Tokyo Drift. Artist,: Teriyaki Boyz. Duration,: 00:04:15. Audio Summary,: Audio: mp3, 44100 Hz, stereo, s16p, 128 kb/s. Bitrate,: 128000. Sample Rate,: 44100. Added,: 2014-07-18 20:24:29. Today,: 0x Downloaded. Upload By,: request. Download Lagu Teriyaki Boyz - Tokyo Drift (Fast and Furious Tokyo drift).mp3 gratis hanya untuk review / referensi sebelum anda membeli lagu yang asli, Belilah. Lagu Terbaru Fast and Furious 1-8 best songs/ Soundtracks (Top 15).mp3. Lagu Terbaru DMX - X Gon Give To Ya (Deadpool Song) Free Download HD.mp3. Download lagu teriyaki boyz ost tokyo drift. Teriyaki Boyz – Tokyo Drift (Instrumental). Artist: Teriyaki Boyz, Song: Tokyo Drift (Instrumental), Duration: 02:42, Size: 3.73 MB, Bitrate: 192 kbit/sec, Type: mp3.

For most users this should not be needed, as we always attempt to solve for test suite dependencies, even when this value is False; furthermore, test suites are automatically enabled if they are requested as a built target. The command line variant of this flag is -enable-tests and -disable-tests. Benchmarks: boolean -enable-benchmarks -disable-benchmarks Default value: False Force benchmarks to be enabled. For most users this should not be needed, as we always attempt to solve for benchmark dependencies, even when this value is False; furthermore, benchmarks are automatically enabled if they are requested as a built target. The command line variant of this flag is -enable-benchmarks and -disable-benchmarks. Extra-prog-path: paths (newline or comma separated) -extra-prog-path =PATH Since: Cabal 1.18 A list of directories to search for extra required programs.

Most users should not need this, as programs like happy and alex will automatically be installed and added to the path. This can be useful if a Custom setup script relies on an exotic extra program.

The command line variant of this flag is -extra-prog-path=PATH, which can be specified multiple times. Run-tests: boolean -run-tests Default value: False Run the package test suite upon installation. This is useful for saying “When this package is installed, check that the test suite passes, terminating the rest of the build if it is broken.”.

Object code options debug-info: integer -enable-debug-info =⟨n⟩ -disable-debug-info Since: Cabal 1.22 Default value: False If the compiler (e.g., GHC 7.10 and later) supports outputing OS native debug info (e.g., DWARF), setting debug-info: True will instruct it to do so. See the GHC wiki page on for more information about this feature.

(This field also accepts numeric syntax, but until GHC 8.2 this didn’t do anything.) The command line variant of this flag is -enable-debug-info and -disable-debug-info. Split-sections: boolean -enable-split-sections -disable-split-sections Since: Cabal 2.1 Default value: False Use the GHC -split-sections feature when building the library. This reduces the final size of the executables that use the library by allowing them to link with only the bits that they use rather than the entire library.

The downside is that building the library takes longer and uses a bit more memory. This feature is supported by GHC 8.0 and later. The command line variant of this flag is -enable-split-sections and -disable-split-sections. Split-objs: boolean -enable-split-objs -disable-split-objs Default value: False Use the GHC -split-objs feature when building the library. This reduces the final size of the executables that use the library by allowing them to link with only the bits that they use rather than the entire library.

The downside is that building the library takes longer and uses considerably more memory. It is generally recommend that you use split-sections instead of split-objs where possible. The command line variant of this flag is -enable-split-objs and -disable-split-objs. Executable-stripping: boolean -enable-executable-stripping -disable-executable-stripping Default value: True When installing binary executable programs, run the strip program on the binary. This can considerably reduce the size of the executable binary file. It does this by removing debugging information and symbols. Not all Haskell implementations generate native binaries.

For such implementations this option has no effect. (TODO: Check what happens if you combine this with debug-info.) The command line variant of this flag is -enable-executable-stripping and -disable-executable-stripping. Library-stripping: boolean -enable-library-stripping -disable-library-stripping Since: Cabal 1.19 When installing binary libraries, run the strip program on the binary, saving space on the file system. See also executable-stripping. The command line variant of this flag is -enable-library-stripping and -disable-library-stripping. Executable options program-prefix: prefix -program-prefix =prefix STRIKEOUT:Prepend prefix to installed program names. (Currently implemented in a silly and not useful way.

If you need this to work give us a shout.) prefix may contain the following path variables: $pkgid, $pkg, $version, $compiler, $os, $arch, $abi, $abitag The command line variant of this flag is -program-prefix=foo. Program-suffix: suffix -program-suffix =suffix STRIKEOUT:Append suffix to installed program names. (Currently implemented in a silly and not useful way. If you need this to work give us a shout.) The most obvious use for this is to append the program’s version number to make it possible to install several versions of a program at once: program-suffix: $version.

Suffix may contain the following path variables: $pkgid, $pkg, $version, $compiler, $os, $arch, $abi, $abitag The command line variant of this flag is -program-suffix='$version'. Dynamic linking options shared: boolean -enable-shared -disable-shared Default value: False Build shared library. This implies a separate compiler run to generate position independent code as required on most platforms. The command line variant of this flag is -enable-shared and -disable-shared. Executable-dynamic: boolean -enable-executable-dynamic -disable-executable-dynamic Default value: False Link executables dynamically.

The executable’s library dependencies should be built as shared objects. This implies shared: True unless shared: False is explicitly specified. The command line variant of this flag is -enable-executable-dynamic and -disable-executable-dynamic.

Library-for-ghci: boolean -enable-library-for-ghci -disable-library-for-ghci Default value: True Build libraries suitable for use with GHCi. This involves an extra linking step after the build. Not all platforms support GHCi and indeed on some platforms, trying to build GHCi libs fails. In such cases, consider setting library-for-ghci: False. The command line variant of this flag is -enable-library-for-ghci and -disable-library-for-ghci. Relocatable: -relocatable Since: Cabal 1.21 Default value: False STRIKEOUT:Build a package which is relocatable. (TODO: It is not clear what this actually does, or if it works at all.) The command line variant of this flag is -relocatable.

Foreign function interface options extra-include-dirs: directories (comma or newline separated list) -extra-include-dirs =DIR An extra directory to search for C header files. You can use this flag multiple times to get a list of directories. You might need to use this flag if you have standard system header files in a non-standard location that is not mentioned in the package’s.cabal file. Using this option has the same affect as appending the directory dir to the field in each library and executable in the package’s.cabal file. The advantage of course is that you do not have to modify the package at all.

These extra directories will be used while building the package and for libraries it is also saved in the package registration information and used when compiling modules that use the library. The command line variant of this flag is -extra-include-dirs=DIR, which can be specified multiple times. Extra-lib-dirs: directories (comma or newline separated list) -extra-lib-dirs =DIR An extra directory to search for system libraries files.

The command line variant of this flag is -extra-lib-dirs=DIR, which can be specified multiple times. Extra-framework-dirs: directories (comma or newline separated list) -extra-framework-dirs =DIR An extra directory to search for frameworks (OS X only). You might need to use this flag if you have standard system libraries in a non-standard location that is not mentioned in the package’s.cabal file.

Using this option has the same affect as appending the directory dir to the field in each library and executable in the package’s.cabal file. The advantage of course is that you do not have to modify the package at all.

These extra directories will be used while building the package and for libraries it is also saved in the package registration information and used when compiling modules that use the library. The command line variant of this flag is -extra-framework-dirs=DIR, which can be specified multiple times. Profiling options profiling: boolean -enable-profiling -disable-profiling Since: Cabal 1.21 Default value: False Build libraries and executables with profiling enabled (for compilers that support profiling as a separate mode).

It is only necessary to specify for the specific package you want to profile; cabal new-build will ensure that all of its transitive dependencies are built with profiling enabled. To enable profiling for only libraries or executables, see and. For useful profiling, it can be important to control precisely what cost centers are allocated; see. The command line variant of this flag is -enable-profiling and -disable-profiling. Profiling-detail: level -profiling-detail =level Since: Cabal 1.23 Some compilers that support profiling, notably GHC, can allocate costs to different parts of the program and there are different levels of granularity or detail with which this can be done. In particular for GHC this concept is called “cost centers”, and GHC can automatically add cost centers, and can do so in different ways. This flag covers both libraries and executables, but can be overridden by the library-profiling-detail field.

Currently this setting is ignored for compilers other than GHC. The levels that cabal currently supports are: default For GHC this uses exported-functions for libraries and toplevel-functions for executables.

None No costs will be assigned to any code within this component. Exported-functions Costs will be assigned at the granularity of all top level functions exported from each module. In GHC, this is for non-inline functions.

Corresponds to -fprof-auto-exported. Toplevel-functions Costs will be assigned at the granularity of all top level functions in each module, whether they are exported from the module or not.

In GHC specifically, this is for non-inline functions. Corresponds to -fprof-auto-top.

All-functions Costs will be assigned at the granularity of all functions in each module, whether top level or local. In GHC specifically, this is for non-inline toplevel or where-bound functions or values. Corresponds to -fprof-auto.

The command line variant of this flag is -profiling-detail=none. Library-profiling-detail: level -library-profiling-detail =level Since: Cabal 1.23 Like, but applied only to libraries The command line variant of this flag is -library-profiling-detail=none. Library-vanilla: boolean -enable-library-vanilla -disable-library-vanilla Default value: True Build ordinary libraries (as opposed to profiling libraries). Mostly, you can set this to False to avoid building ordinary libraries when you are profiling.

The command line variant of this flag is -enable-library-vanilla and -disable-library-vanilla. Library-profiling: boolean -enable-library-profiling -disable-library-profiling Since: Cabal 1.21 Default value: False Build libraries with profiling enabled. You probably want to use instead. The command line variant of this flag is -enable-library-profiling and -disable-library-profiling. Executable-profiling: boolean -enable-executable-profiling -disable-executable-profiling Since: Cabal 1.21 Default value: False Build executables with profiling enabled. You probably want to use instead. The command line variant of this flag is -enable-executable-profiling and -disable-executable-profiling.

Coverage options coverage: boolean -enable-coverage -disable-coverage Since: Cabal 1.21 Default value: False Build libraries and executables (including test suites) with Haskell Program Coverage enabled. Running the test suites will automatically generate coverage reports with HPC. The command line variant of this flag is -enable-coverage and -disable-coverage. Library-coverage: boolean -enable-library-coverage -disable-library-coverage Deprecated: Since: Cabal 1.21 Default value: False Deprecated, use. The command line variant of this flag is -enable-library-coverage and -disable-library-coverage.

Haddock options Documentation building support is fairly sparse at the moment. Let us know if it’s a priority for you! Documentation: boolean -enable-documentation -disable-documentation Default value: False Enables building of Haddock documentation The command line variant of this flag is -enable-documentation and -disable-documentation. Doc-index-file: templated path -doc-index-file =TEMPLATE A central index of Haddock API documentation (template cannot use $pkgid), which should be updated as documentation is built. The command line variant of this flag is -doc-index-file=TEMPLATE The following commands are equivalent to ones that would be passed when running setup haddock. (TODO: Where does the documentation get put.) haddock-hoogle: boolean Default value: False Generate a text file which can be converted by into a database for searching.

This is equivalent to running haddock with the -hoogle flag. The command line variant of this flag is -hoogle (for the haddock command). Haddock-html: boolean Default value: True Build HTML documentation. The command line variant of this flag is -html (for the haddock command). Haddock-html-location: templated path Specify a template for the location of HTML documentation for prerequisite packages. The substitutions are applied to the template to obtain a location for each package, which will be used by hyperlinks in the generated documentation.

For example, the following command generates links pointing at Hackage pages. Html-location: '$pkg/latest/doc/html' Here the argument is quoted to prevent substitution by the shell. If this option is omitted, the location for each package is obtained using the package tool (e.g. The command line variant of this flag is -html-location (for the haddock subcommand). Haddock-executables: boolean Default value: False Run haddock on all executable programs. The command line variant of this flag is -executables (for the haddock subcommand).

Haddock-tests: boolean Default value: False Run haddock on all test suites. The command line variant of this flag is -tests (for the haddock subcommand). Haddock-benchmarks: boolean Default value: False Run haddock on all benchmarks. The command line variant of this flag is -benchmarks (for the haddock subcommand). Haddock-all: boolean Default value: False Run haddock on all components.

The command line variant of this flag is -all (for the haddock subcommand). Haddock-internal: boolean Default value: False Build haddock documentation which includes unexposed modules and symbols. The command line variant of this flag is -internal (for the haddock subcommand).

Haddock-css: path The CSS file that should be used to style the generated documentation (overriding haddock’s default.) The command line variant of this flag is -css (for the haddock subcommand). Haddock-hyperlink-source: boolean Default value: False Generated hyperlinked source code using, and have Haddock documentation link to it. The command line variant of this flag is -hyperlink-source (for the haddock subcommand). Haddock-hscolour-css: path The CSS file that should be used to style the generated hyperlinked source code (from ).

The command line variant of this flag is -hscolour-css (for the haddock subcommand). Haddock-contents-location: URL A baked-in URL to be used as the location for the contents page.

Cabal Server Files

The command line variant of this flag is -contents-location (for the haddock subcommand). Haddock-keep-temp-files: boolean Keep temporary files. The command line variant of this flag is -keep-temp-files (for the haddock subcommand).

Advanced global configuration options http-transport: curl, wget, powershell, or plain-http -http-transport =transport Default value: curl Set a transport to be used when making http(s) requests. The command line variant of this field is -http-transport=curl.

Ignore-expiry: boolean -ignore-expiry Default value: False If True, we will ignore expiry dates on metadata from Hackage. In general, you should not set this to True as it will leave you vulnerable to stale cache attacks.

However, it may be temporarily useful if the main Hackage server is down, and we need to rely on mirrors which have not been updated for longer than the expiry period on the timestamp. The command line variant of this field is -ignore-expiry.

Remote-repo-cache: directory -remote-repo-cache =DIR Default value: /.cabal/packages STRIKEOUT:The location where packages downloaded from remote repositories will be cached. Not implemented yet. The command line variant of this flag is -remote-repo-cache=DIR. Logs-dir: directory -logs-dir =DIR Default value: /.cabal/logs STRIKEOUT:The location where build logs for packages are stored. Not implemented yet.

The command line variant of this flag is -logs-dir=DIR. Build-summary: template filepath -build-summary =TEMPLATE Default value: /.cabal/logs/build.log STRIKEOUT:The file to save build summaries.

Valid variables which can be used in the path are $pkgid, $compiler, $os and $arch. Not implemented yet. The command line variant of this flag is -build-summary=TEMPLATE. Local-repo: directory -local-repo =DIR Deprecated: STRIKEOUT:The location of a local repository. Deprecated.

See “Legacy repositories.” The command line variant of this flag is -local-repo=DIR. World-file: path -world-file =FILE Deprecated: STRIKEOUT:The location of the world file. Deprecated. The command line variant of this flag is -world-file=FILE.

Undocumented fields: root-cmd, symlink-bindir, build-log, remote-build-reporting, report-planned-failure, one-shot, offline. Advanced solver options Most users generally won’t need these. Solver: modular -solver =modular This field is reserved to allow the specification of alternative dependency solvers. At the moment, the only accepted option is modular. The command line variant of this field is -solver=modular. Max-backjumps: nat -max-backjumps =N Default value: 2000 Maximum number of backjumps (backtracking multiple steps) allowed while solving.

Set -1 to allow unlimited backtracking, and 0 to disable backtracking completely. The command line variant of this field is -max-backjumps=2000.

Reorder-goals: boolean -reorder-goals -no-reorder-goals Default value: False When enabled, the solver will reorder goals according to certain heuristics. Slows things down on average, but may make backtracking faster for some packages. It’s unlikely to help for small projects, but for big install plans it may help you find a plan when otherwise this is not possible. See for more commentary. The command line variant of this field is -(no-)reorder-goals. Count-conflicts: boolean -count-conflicts -no-count-conflicts Default value: True Try to speed up solving by preferring goals that are involved in a lot of conflicts.

The command line variant of this field is -(no-)count-conflicts. Strong-flags: boolean -strong-flags -no-strong-flags Default value: False Do not defer flag choices. (TODO: Better documentation.) The command line variant of this field is -(no-)strong-flags. Allow-boot-library-installs: boolean -allow-boot-library-installs -no-allow-boot-library-installs Default value: False By default, the dependency solver doesn’t allow base, ghc-prim, integer-simple, integer-gmp, and template-haskell to be installed or upgraded.

This flag removes the restriction. The command line variant of this field is -(no-)allow-boot-library-installs. Cabal-lib-version: version -cabal-lib-version =version This field selects the version of the Cabal library which should be used to build packages. This option is intended primarily for internal development use (e.g., forcing a package to build with a newer version of Cabal, to test a new version of Cabal.) (TODO: Specify its semantics more clearly.) The command line variant of this field is -cabal-lib-version=

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