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Jaspersoft Studio is the eclipse-based report designer for JasperReports and JasperReports Server. It is open source and free to use. With it, you can create sophisticated layouts that contain charts, images, sub-reports, crosstabs etc.
Jaspersoft Studio allows you to access your data through JDBC, TableModels, JavaBeans, XML, Hibernate, CSV, and custom sources. You can then publish your reports as PDF, RTF, XML, XLS, CSV, HTML, XHTML, text, DOCX, or OpenOffice. Jaspersoft Studio was designed with a single goal in mind; to provide users with the features from Jaspersoft Report Editor, available as a port of iReport Designer. As Jaspersoft Studio has its foundations built upon the Eclipse platform, it is a more complete solution that allows users to extend its capabilities and functionality. Key features include:. Repository explorer. Outline view.
Report editing Area. Problems view. Designer palette. Properties view. Project explorer. Report State summary. Jaspersoft Studio has a multi-tab editor to work with.
There are three different tabs:. Design is the main tab selected when you open a report file and it allows you to graphically create your report. Source contains the JRXML source code for your report.
Preview lets you run the report preview after having selected a data source and output format. Jaspersoft Studio is a comprehensive tool that offers a different perspective from that of iReport Designer. For those of you who have worked with Eclipse, you will be familiar with the user interface, while to new users the layout of the shown elements will appear somewhat different, but the functionality will remain. Full support for JasperReports Library 6.4.1/6.4.0. Refactored the HTML5 Chart data configuration UI (Professional version). Added Chart Preview panel inside the HTML5 Chart edit dialog (Professional version).

RCP version is now based on Eclipse 4.6.2 platform. RCP standalone version now ships with Oracle JRE 1.8.0.u121.
Updated Beanshell bundle to version to 2.0b6. Updated Commons Beanutils bundle to version 1.9.3. Updated Batik bundle to version 1.9. Updated Apache POI bundle to version 3.15. Software download for pc. Replaced SPRING jars (core,expressions and beans) with newer 3.2.18.RELEASE.
Removed plug-in and moved to Sourceforge as deprecated. Major and minor bug fixes.