Castle Zagyg Yggsburgh Pdf Editor

Step 33 1/3 Anons could also help by going through the lists and checking for dead links and notifying the board. This is mentioned again because it really helps us out. Please ONLY POST OPEN SOURCE PDFS DIRECTLY IN THIS THREAD. Link the others from elsewhere. Excessive infractions could cause TPTB to remove the ability to post any pdfs at all.

  1. Castle Zagyg Yggsburgh Pdf Editor Pc
  2. Castle Zagyg Yggsburgh Pdf Editor Download
  3. Castle Zagyg Yggsburgh Pdf Editor Windows 10

In that area, included the Town of Yggsburgh, and the legendary Castle Zagyg. Best place to find any of the products right now is on ebay or Amazon. Recommend either the East Mark Gazetteer, or the World of Greyhawk Campaign Setting (which should be available via pdf at fine online retailers). Besides cleaning up the editing.

Check for copyrights before you post anything directly. Please be respectful and don't belittle others' requests because you dislike the game.

Imagine the horrific RPGs I've run across. 'Dragon Dildo Warriors', ‘Petty Gods of Angst’, and 'We're All Little Girls (Frilly Dresses Are Mandatory At the Table)' spring to mind. Extra Special Thanks to the Anon Brigade who do all of the digging, loading, and posting.My personal quest is to help Mageguru's noble cause -: Outdoor Geomorphs Set 1 - Walled City (Missing 1 Geomorph Page) Mystara - Player's Survival Kit (Missing 54 Fame & Fortune cards) Dragonlance - The Last Tower - Legacy of Raistlin (Need Scanned version) (I have this coming from Ebay, and should be scanned in the next 2 weeks.

Castle Zagyg Yggsburgh Pdf Editor

11450 Dungeons & Dragons Adventure Game (Silver Anniversary) The Haunted Tower (missing cutouts) AC3 - 3D Dragon Tiles - The Kidnapping of Princess Arelina (missing 2 cutout pages) TSR 1067 1991 Fantasy Collector Cards Factory Set Assault on the Fane of Lolth' for 3E, which is a Worldwide Gamedays module. Things Anon Has Mentioned That are beyond the Knowledge of Da Archivist Where?, which I prefer, U53rscl0ud or M3G4 for large collections. Using public wifi would be excessive, imo, and carries its own risks. I usually don't bother, but if you are that concerned, use a VPN. HMA is free and easy disposable anon email. Mega is relatively safe Kim Dotcom claims to not even record user data.

A little research seems to back this. He is one slippery bastard.

I have an active account registered using only email as do many, many others 'round heah. You would have to be an extremely flagrant repeat offender before notice would be taken past anything other than a take-down.

As another anon mentioned, if you're that noid, use a VPN. I've never heard of an ISP getting involved unlike trackable torrents and that is mostly because of Hollywood money. With Mega you get 50 gigs with each standard free account. It has functions for uploading a whole folder at a time, including everything inside it. So you just select like 'A, B, and C' and it does the rest.

So, I was checking the Wish List (To see if Cthulhu tech was on there since I desired to take a look at that little trainwreck and a quick ctrl+f of the main archive turned up nothing) and I saw a request for D&D Forgotten Realms: Perilous Gateways of Faerun To my knowledge, that was an article series run by WotC before their web presence turned to shit. ALSO to my knowledge, I saved all those series rather meticulously as their site was going through upheaval and I feared a loss. I won't say I did the best job - I used Word since I was a stupid teenager (To which I realize just how long it's been) but it's collected and usable and I've PDF'd it up quickly for whoever wanted it. If there was a real book that someone wanted scanned, I guess I don't have that.

I have 5 folders - Essential, BattleTech, Others, The Rest and Wargames. Essential is all the stuff that I couldn't live without. BattleTech is, well, BattleTech, the Rest is all the stuff I collect but don't care about and probably haven't read (such as D&D, Pathfinder, etc), and Others is all fan, TG, homebrews.

Wargames actually also includes boardgames. It's all sorted by game and then all filed by product number if they have it.

If multiple companies make a game (like Babylon 5 or Conan), then subfolders for the various versions. If wargames or boardgames exist for those, then they actually fit within that folder and not the wargames one. Novels fit into a Literary folder. That work for you?;-).

Was searching for a C&C Trove myself, with no luck. Shared two modules in thread #51, maybe they're still online.

But yesterday, TLG opened a sale on all their stuff at DriveThruRPG. C&C modules are less that 1 EUR a piece. Bought the whole Umbrage Saga (A0-A5) set for 5 EUR and several missing DB (Haunted Highlands) modules for 1 EUR. If you're considering buying them, I can recommend DB1, the A0-A5 set, and D1.

The I1-3 modules are quite fun, but their d20 versions are in the Trove, and conversion is a snap. Some additional Castles and Crusades remarks: - Engineering Castles and Engineering Dungeons can sometimes be found in DM prep sections of the Troves, and both supplements are good - the A3 module version that is widespread lacks any maps - conversions to C&C are beautifully simple, and I recommend getting the DCC 2 module ('Lost Vault of Tsathzar Rho', in the Trove), then getting the conversion file (CC-DCC2-Conversion.doc) at the goodman games site. Compare the original to the conversion, and you'll be able to do the same for the rest of the DCC d20 series. Great modules, great fun. I bought first couple As.

I read the Haunted were meh from many (I think you were one of them except you said #1-2 were decent) so I didn't get them even at $1. I haven't started a C&C campaign yet, preparing to still.

So only need lower than 6 atm I would say. D1, I looked at but seemed iffy and couldn;t find a good review. What do you think of it and what does it entail? What kind of thing, town base + adventure? I did find the I1-3 versions d20 in trove as well as DB2 in D20.

I also bought S4 for $0.99 at TLG site itself! Check it out if you don't have. Will look for that DCC thing and conversion. Haunted Highlands (DB) are all over the place, but full of good things to steal. DB1 has a very fun tavern / roadhouse, a nice description of the setting (intro and history of the Highlands takes only one page), and by page 11/12, you are in the second half of the module - one bandit outpost, one burial ground, and maybe two other places of interest. All completely forgettable, and scaled for levels 3+. But, if you want a base of operations, and a map with several ruined sites on it, the first 10 pages of DB1 are worth the money alone.

You can take it as-is, and use it anywhere with no prep. One of the patrons at the roadhouse tells you about the Crater of Umeshti, which is a hook for DB2.

I like dungeons, and this is a nice one, three levels, nice geographical flavor - you are descending through the caverns along the rim of a sinkhole. Monsters are standard fare - kobolds, mutant kobolds, and some additional kobolds, but there are a few pleasant exceptions. DB3 adds additional three levels to the dungeon, quite unnecessary if you ask me. Also - a fair warning - the maps in DB2 are horrible. Small (less than 25% of a page), low quality, with barely readable numbers. I'll make another post regarding the DB4/5 parts, due to the limit. To continue, I only read the Dro Mandras modules (DB4/DB5) yesterday, and they are completely uneven.

The city under siege is an interesting thing, you can work in the free part of the city, treating the lost eastern part as an endless supply of dungeon-like raids, there are hooks for working with the mass combat rules a bit, there is a point scoring system that can replace the flow of time (if you get to 400 points, you break the siege). All very interesting, but this would require a lot of work on the DM part. The scoring is nice, but the module only explains what happens when the players reach 400 points. In order for that to be interesting, I guess I would have to provide a separate scoring track for the opposite side, and figure out what happens when each side reaches 100, 200 and 300 points. That's the main thing about both those modules - they don't seem to work out of the box, and I guess they sort of require each other. But I would love to play it as a PC if I could find a sucker that does all the prep work and runs it for me.

Also, TLG sets a very high standard for the amount of typos, errors and omission in their published stuff. Other small companies save money by not hiring an editor, while TLG seemingly goes the extra mile and hires people to add extra typos. Before I read those two, my favorite mistake was when, in one of their modules they wrote the name of their engine as 'SEIGE' on the cover. Here, in DB5, we have another winner 'The Conquered East is an Urban Dungeon that details the fallen western sections of the Karboskian City of Dro Mandras'. I still love them, though.

If you want to start a new campaign, starting with the A0-A3 would work, and if you like to crawl those dungeons, you can drop DB2 right after A3 with some duct tape. I'll finish this shit in the third post, I promise. Another way would be to start with U1 - Shadows of the Halfling Hall, which is a one shot that I very much liked, then drop your guys at the tavern from DB1, and create some ruins / bandit sites yourself (or steal the shit). At level 3-4, run DB2.

Then another dungeon, and another dungeon. D1 is a straight up four level dungeon. Good full page maps, 20+ rooms per level, with additional empty rooms left for you to put some crazy stuff you found elsewhere in. Level 6+, and very much to my liking. No town base, no special stuff, just a solid dungeon. I guess you could run it straight after DB2. And since you asked for pointers, search for the OSR Trove, OSR Games - C&C.

D20 TLG stuff is in the WoTC Trove. I1-I3 are converted from d20, same goes for U4 which is a repackaging of 'Tomb/Temple/Dungeon of Kubla Khan' trilogy.

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Castle Zagyg Yggsburgh Pdf Editor Pc

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Click The above is licensed under 2.0. Just a bit of a background. Gary used Greyhawk as his defacto world when he DM'd back in the late 70s. Contrary to popular belief, Gary was more of a 'hack and slash' DM than a role-playing DM. Castle Greyhawk, on which the world got it's name, was the abode of The Mad God, Zagyg (which is basically 'Gygax' spelled backwards, albeit phonetically).

At times, Jim Ward (actually Rob Kuntz, see below, thanks Reddit4Play) would switch off and Gary would play, and when he did he played Mordenkainen, his wizard that eventually gave his name to a few AD&D spells. Gary never released his notes for the Castle (aside from a tongue-in-cheek module).

Eventually, he gave all his notes and scribblings to a writer named Jeff Talanian and the two collaborated with Troll Lord Games to release 'Castle Zagyg: The Upper Works'. While not being able to use the name 'Castle Greyhawk' (since WotC owned that name now), most grognards knew what it was and the signifigance of it. I work for Troll Lord Games and was at the GenCon when it was released. I sold hundreds that weekend. After Gary died, his widow Gail.

Let's just say she broke the agreement Gary had with Troll Lord Games. All of the Castle Zagyg stuff (and there was much more that was unreleased) was gone. She thought she could use Gary's name to make a fortune. Sadly, she asked for way too much and the name started falling away. Now, she has nothing and neither do we.

Castle Zagyg Yggsburgh Pdf Editor Download

Sometimes a Castle Zagyg will appear on eBay for $150-$200, but it is rare. Thankfully, I have a few copies. It is pretty amazing stuff.

RIP Gary. Never released except for a tongue-in-cheek module, stuff about Castle Zagyg etc. Some corrections here (all from the Ask Gary ENWorld threads, where much was ado about Castle Greyhawk and Castle Zagyg) - All Castle Greyhawks released by TSR and WotC were not at all created from any of the notes from Gary Gygax.

Gygax never released any material from Castle Greyhawk under any name pertaining to Castle Greyhawk except for Castle Zagyg, some material of which was published by Troll Lord Games, and was frankly insulted at what they (TSR, not Troll Lord Games) insinuated his work to be in the first TSR release, which he believed to be part of the restart of his World of Greyhawk. The reason, he believed, WoG was restarted like that (and such a ridiculous Castle Greyhawk was released) was because of a move by TSR to gain control over/ridicule anything that previously had Gygax's name on it after booting him from the company. Castle Zagyg was originally a collaboration between Gary Gygax and Rob Kuntz, his good friend and long-time DM (it was actually Rob who switched off DMing with Gary, not Jim Ward who ran a Metamorphosis Alpha game instead), and Rob Kuntz was primarily responsible for releasing most of the material in the Castle Zagyg: Yggsburg module, which was meant to create a location for the castle that was more or less wholly new. Sadly Gary and Rob had some sort of falling out over the way the project was to proceed from there, and what happened after that is a mystery that resulted in something to do with Jeff Talanian helping to get them published up to the Upper Works, and after that I'm not sure what happened but Gary's untimely death surely didn't help. As to Gary's DMing method, well, I'll let him speak for himself! (Despite what some of the 'mature' and 'sophisticated' gamers assert, roleplay was indeed a central feature of the AD&D game from the proverbial get-go.) As someone who has designed a number of military miniatures rules sets, I could have made combat in the OAD&D game far more complex, including all manner of considerations for footing, elevation of the opponents, capacity to dodge, parrying skill, opponents using natural weapons, etc.

Knowing that the game was not all about combat, I skipped as much of that as I could by having the main factors subsume lessers, ignoring the rest. It is a role-playing exercise where all manner of other game considerations come into play, not just fighting. And, ultimately Forget the business about role-playing.

It is as boring as rule-playing and roll-playing are when made the focus of the game. He basically did everything in equal share and found it all to be good and entertaining. His own works often contain a lot of combat because that's what he found most players tended to enjoy, not necessarily because he enjoyed it the most himself, and left to his own devices most assuredly ran fighting, dialog, exploration, and everything in-between and around thereabouts. Thanks for the corrections.

Can't beleive I said 'Jim Ward' instead of 'Rob Kuntz'. That is one of those things I knew but just brainfarted. Plus, Jim Ward is a great guy and really cool to talk with.

Rob Kuntz is. As far as H&S vs. Role-playing in Gary's game, I'm going by what he told me when I played in a game he DM'd. I was of the opinion that, 'Oh shit, Gary-fucking-Gygax is DMing this game! I gotta go balls out.' After playing a bit, Gary said something akin to, 'leave that role-playing stuff aside and just kill shit! It's more fun that way,' and by what others have told me he said in their games.

So it may have been the way he felt that day.:) Thanks again. Ah, okay, I figured that since you said you worked at Troll Lord you would've known at least some of that and just forgot! Glad I didn't come off as too know-it-all; it's hard to try to correct people without coming off like a douchebag, you know?


Castle Zagyg Yggsburgh Pdf Editor Windows 10

As to how he DMed, well, all I know is he said he did everything. Maybe he did favor combat, even if he never admitted it on ENWorld, but I do know he admitted to throwing in fights whenever things got boring because he found most people liked them and it spiced up the game. People aren't always consistent, either, so your point about 'how he felt that day' is well-taken:).

I managed to meet Gary at a local con about a year before he died, when he was releasing the first part of Castle Zagyg. My Dad bought me the book and got it autographed, and I got my copy of the 3.5 PHB autographed (It was the only book I had on me, I forgot my OD&D stuff.). Seemed nice enough; I was suprised there weren't more gamers there to see him (I was the only one to go up to him, he looked rather bored.) I was quite sad that they never put out the rest of the Castle Zagyg material.

'Several times a semester I ask students for anonymous written one-minute feedback on what they would keep, modify or trash about the course. Concise introduction to logic hurley.

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